Thursday, November 8, 2007

Irish Red, Day Six

The beer is still in Primary Fermentation. The "FERMENTATION LOCK" is still bubbling, and actually if you smell the bubbles, they smell pretty good. Maybe this saturday we should take our first Hydrometer reading? Any of you guys in? It is looking a little lighter in color though I don't see it turning really Red?
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Theopholis said...

Sat is out for me unless it is just for a hydrometer reading... I am extremely busy... maybe we can do Sun PM?

Theopholis said...

These pictures are so beautiful!!! So this feeling I am having is what it is like to have children... wow!

Nick said...

I can try to do one Sat. then we can do another on sun, you are supposed to do it a couple days in a row and see how much it has changed. but i dont think it is worth doing if the fermentation lock is still bubbling.

Theopholis said...

That is a good point... lets wait till the lock settles down.

Theopholis said...

Now that I look at the picture closer... what is that white foam in the fermentation lock... on the wort side of it?

Nick said...

I think that was just the light (flash from the camera) reflecting off the condensation in the lock. There isnt really foam in there, it just looks weird in picture.

Theopholis said...

Sorry I couldn't come by on Sun... how was the Hydrometer readings?