Monday, November 12, 2007

Irish Red Day 8

Ok, so I never got around to doing the Hydrometer readings, but I am pretty sure by looking at it, that the primary fermentation is over. The foam on top is pretty much gone, and there are no more bubbles in the fermentation lock. Anyone wanna come by tomorrow night and switch it into the secondary fermentation carboy?


LMV Brewmaster said...

I cant i have class till 9pm...

Theopholis said...

I can come by today if you haven't done it yet... What time are you home?

Nick said...

You wanna come by at 6?

Theopholis said...

I am sooo sorry! Work totally sucked up all the "free time" I thought I had. Stupid customers... business would be pretty cool if there were no customers.

Anyway... did you do it yet?

Theopholis said...

Foam on top is called "Krausen"
